tee wen
1964 -1968 Studier i juridik, ekonomi och språk på Stockholms universitet
1969 - 1974 studier i klassiskt måleri i Paris på Académie de la Grande Chaumière och hos Francis Harburger.
Vistelse i Cadaquès sedan 1964 i kretsen kring Salvador Dali.
Debututställning på Sala Gaudi i Barcelona
1975 -1978 arbete med John Cage, Neal Slavin och Nam June Paik. Videon "Swimmer" på Centre Pompidou i Paris 1978.
Ljudkompositionen "Symfoni för tre ambulanser" uppfördes 1982 i Sveriges Radio 1982.
1983 - 1990 bosatt mellan Frankrike, USA och Japan och utvecklade datorgrafik i 2D och 3D på CIMA-Université de Paris VII,
på Aoyama Computer Graphic School Tokyo och i Vasulka Studio Santa Fé, N.M.
1990 - 1995 3D-animation på GAMSAU School of Architecture Marseille och undervisade på École Supérieur d'Art et de Design Luminy i Marseille.
1997 - 2010 Virtuell Verklighet VR på KTH Stockholm och Aalborg Media Lab och undervisade på Konstfack Stockholm och på KTH.
Hon har hållit separat- och samlingsutställningar i bland annat Stockholm, Göteborg, Norrköping, Aalborg, Paris, Madrid, Marseille,
Lissabon, Tokyo och Barcelona, samt i Yanping i Kina.
Hon har erhållit stipendier av bl.a. Konstnärsnämnden, IASPIS och Franska Kulturministeriet för vistelser och studier i Frankrike och Japan,
där hon haft ett flertal utställningar bland annat på Hara Museum of Contemporary Art 1987 och på ICC Tokyo 2001.
2023-2024 deltog hon i utställningen Sömnlösa Nätter på Moderna Muséet med flera videoverk, bland dem den stora videoinstallationen "Nuit Blanche",
som nu skall visas på The Cell i Stockholm maj - oktober 2025.
Teresa Wennberg är också skulptör, såväl i traditionell mening som virtuellt och har, förutom de virtuella skulpturerna,
arbetat med att skapa och restaurera antika glasfönster till kyrkan St. Martin de Corsavy i Frankrike.
Hon är också haikupoet och har författat flera böcker. Nyligen (november 2024) inbjuden att framföra sina dikter på tre olika bibliotek i Helsingfors Finland.
Återkommande temata i hennes produktion är identitet och genusfrågor, pacifism, mediaflödets förbannelse samt, kärleken till och respekten för naturen.
Statens Konstrad/ Public Art Agency Sweden
Moderna Museet Stockholm
Norrtalje Konsthall Sweden
Royal Institute of Technology KTH Stockholm
Stadtishes Kunstmuseum, Bonn
Swedish Chamber of Commerce Santiago de Chile
Centre Georges Pompidou / MNAM Paris
Riksarkivet/The Swedish National Archives Sweden
Institute of Contemporary Art Richmond
The Kitchen New York
Bibliothèque Nationale Paris France
Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian Lisbon
Malmohus Lans Landsting Sweden
Kijkhuis Den Haag Holland
Aarhus Museum Denmark
Centre National d'Art Contemporain Grenoble France
Umea Kommun Sweden
Hara Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo Japan
Swedish Embassy Tokyo Japan
Musee d'Art Moderne de St. Etienne France
Musee National des Monuments Francais Paris
ZKM Karlsruhe
Tranströmerbiblioteket Stockholm
Stadsbibliotket Stockholm
Generative Systems Archive (Sonia Landy Sheridan) Langlois Foundation USA
Private collections
2024 "Installation stained glass window 150x80" Chapelle St Martin, Corsavy O F F I C I A L P R E S E N T A T I O N S &
Yanping Art Harvest in the Village”, Fujian province, China 2018 Symfony for Three Ambulaces S E L E C T E D G R O U P E X H I B I T I O N S
FMAC Ville de Genève "Disruptions - Early Video Art in Europe" mars/avril 2025
Mairie du VI Arr., Paris 1975: Prix Jeune Peinture
2022 Vidéoformes Clermont Ferrand: Virtual reality VR-presentation "Mind Cathedral"
2021 Association Artistique Suédoise, Cercle Suédois Paris
2020 Church of St Martin, Corsavy, France Permanent
installation Stained Glass Windows
2019 Fylkingen Stockholm 2019 - Video/VR Installation
2019 Generative Systems Archive (with Sonia Landy Sheridan)
2019 Galerie Satellite
2019 Fylkingen: Performance "Inverted communication" with PIAK
2018 Rumanian Literature Museum: Poetry Festival
Gellu Naum Bucarest: Special invitation
2018 Yanping Art Harvest in the Village”, Fujian province,
2 installations:
"The Monkey Prince" + "One Thousand Stars"
2018 Femmes Provocatrices", Galerie Satellite Paris
2018 3 Generations of Woman Artists,University of Dundee
2017 Husby Konsthall, Sweden “Amnesia”
2015 Rånäs Slott "Gränsfall" : Sculpture "Aika Mieli"
2013 Arkivhuset Konsthall, Smedjebacken,Sweden:
Installation "Mnemosyne singing"
2012 Jan Leuhusen Showroom Stockholm:
"Impossible Sculptures and Digital Memories”
2011 Svenska Konstnärers Förening,SKF, Stockholm
2010 Media Lab Aalborg University Denmark: VR “Soft Factory”
2010 Danish television 2010
2010 Galerie Cercle Carre, Puy l'Eveque Frankrike
2010 "Art Beijing" Contemporary Art Fair Beijing
2010 YuanFen Gallery 798 Beijing
2009 Ludwig Foundation Habana Cuba:
"New Works from the Old World"
2005 Dansmuseet, Stockholm
2004 Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Santiago de Chile:
2004 The VR-Cube,Royal Institute of Technology KTH
Stockholm: VR "Brainsongs - Welcome to my Brain
2002 The VR-Cube, Royal Institute of Technology KTH
Stockholm: VR "Brainsongs - Welcome to my Brain"
2002 InterCommunicationCenter ICC Tokyo:
VR "Brainsongs - Welcome to my Brain"
1998 The VR-Cube Royal Institute of Technology KTH
"VR The Parallell Dimension"
1998 Brud Exklusiv/Kulturhuvudstadsaret, Stockholm:
"Blue. Dream.World."
1997 Swedish Embassy Tokyo Japan: Installation
1996 Kogakuin University Tokyo:Installaltion
1995 Norrtalje Konsthall Norrtalje
1994 Musee I.ME.RE.C., Vielle Charite Marseille
1993 Centre Internationale d'Art Contemporain,
Chateau Beychevelle, Pauillac: AIR+Installaltion
1992 Musee de Liljevalchs Stockholm
1994 Galerie L'il Orsay Paris
1991 Galerie Domicile, Ivry
1988 Forum, Parvis II Tarbes
1987 Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
1986 Artotheque Coprah, Paris
1985 Galerie PM, Stockholm
1983 Galerie Dada Morgana, Nurnberg
1982 Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian Lisbon
Helium Paris
1980 Galerie Mors Massa, Goteborg
1980 Konstframjandet Stockholm
1979 Galerie Linnaeus Stockholm
1979 Cercle Suedois Paris
1976 Galerie Concorde Paris
1974 Galerie Lowenadler Stockholm
1973 Sala Gaudi Barcelona
St Martins Church, Corsavy, France: since 2015
Royal Institute of Technology KTH Stockholm, Sweden: 2015
"Lavoir", Permanent installation Arles-sur-Tech, France 2011
Danish television 2010 ++
Swedish television "Rapport" 2003
InterCommunication Center ICC, Japan 2002
"Rapport", Swedish television 2002
FR3, French television 1984
Channel 13, USA 1984
"INPUT -83", Liege 1983
"Videographie", R.T.B.F., Belgium 1983
"MEDIA -82" Stockholm 1982
ELAC, Lyon 1982
Moderna Museet, Stockholm 1981
Fylkingen, Stockholm 1980
Antenne 2 French television 1980
Channel 13 USA 1980
Centre Georges Pompidou Paris 1979
Manhattan Public Television New York 1979
Centre Georges Pompidou/MNAM, Paris 1978
a 45' multi media sound piece
on invitation by Swedish Radio P3 (1982)
Studio 54 Arkivhuset Smedjebacken 2024
Moderna Museet Stockholm: utställning Oljemålning "Har vi tid att dansa" 2023-2024
Moderna Museet Stockholm "Sömnlösa nätter/Sleepless Nights"
utställning "Nuit Blanche" 2023-2024
Galerie Satellite Paris 2019: VR-presentation: "Mind Cathedral"
"Femmes Provocatrices", Galerie Satellite Paris 2018
Varutstallning 2018, Konstnarshuset/SKF Stockholm 2018
3G 2018: 3 Generations of Woman Artists,
Concert Hall Perth, University of Dundee 2018
"Cage Suite": Peniche Cinema, Paris 2017
"Gränsfall", Rânäs Slott 2016
"Magiska Rum", Rânäs Slott 2015
Svenska Konstnarers Forening, Stockholm 2011-2015
"Art Beijing" 2010 Contemporary Art Fair Beijing
"NuShu", YuanFen Gallery 798 Beijing 2010
"Installation Lavoir",
(w. Andreas Rosenberg), Arles sur Tech.
"Teoretisk tystnad/Deja vu", Video/CG installation,
Royal University College of Fine Arts, Stockholm 2005
"Modernité/Modernitet", Swedish Institute Paris 2005
"Science & Fiction", The Nobel Museum Stockholm 2004
"Tanken flyger", Kulturhuset Stockholm
stromfaran?", Galleri Paletten Gothenburg 2000
Dream Centenary, Aizu 1999: Video installation
"Bar konst" Galleri Futura Stockholm
Internet exhibition: "The Museum
as a Muse":
"Just married" 1999
"Crossroads and Songlines", Sandra
Gering Gallery New York
Blast5Drama (X-Art Foundation)
Internet show: http://www.torget.se/ArtBin:
"Teresa Wennberg" 1996
"Dream Science",
Kogakuin University Tokyo 1996
"Exhibition", Galerie Lil Orsay Paris
Norrtalje Konsthall Norrtalje 1995
"Blatt snitt", Moderna Museet Stockholm 1995
Askersund Konstforening Askersund 1995
"Pionnieres d'Aujourd'hui", Festival International du Films
des Femmes Creteil 1996
"Video-Fest", Mediopolis Berlin 1995
Fotofeis Glasgow 1994
Chateau de Mallefougasse Haute Provence 1994
V Canary Island International Video Festival 1994
Festival Video de Vigo (Honorary Mention) 1994
"Le Vent", Sylvie et JC Le Gouic Aix-en-Provence 1994
"International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition"
University of Hawaii 1993
"Video-Fest", Berlin Medien Operative Berlin 1993
Centro Gallego de Artes de la Imagen La Coruna 1993
Kijkhuis World Wide Video Festival Den Haag 1993
Arteleku San Sebastian 1993
"Desmontaje: Film, Video/Apropiacion", IVAM Valencia 1993 +
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia Madrid 1993
"Festival International de Video", Palais de Tokyo Paris 1992
"II Certamen Elies Rogent", Colegi de Aparejadores
Barcelona 1992
"Images de l'Art", C.I.C.V., Montbeliard-Belfort 1992
XIII Video Art Festival de Locarno 1992
A.R.C.O., Madrid 1991
"International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition",
University of Hawaii 1991
"Exemples d'Arts Electroniques", Gallery Ghislave Paris 1991
"Video Art Plastique", Herouville-St. Clair 1990
"L'Amour, La Mort, La Guerre", C.A.C, Montbeliard 1990
Moderna Museet, Stockholm 1990
Uppsala Museum of Art,1990
"Digitala Drommar", Sandvikens Konsthall, Sandviken 1990
"Digitala Drommar", Norrkopings Konstmuseum Norrkoping 1990
"Work in Progress", Gallery Futura Stockholm 1990
Artist in Residence at C.I.M.A. University Paris VIII 1989
Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria (Honoray Mention) 1989
Konstforum, Norrkoping 1989
"Monitor -88", Frolunda Kulturhus, Gothemburg 1988
"La Salamandre", Musee de Berry, Bourges 1988
"Encontro Internacional de Intervencao
e Performance" Lisbon 1988
VI Festival Video, Estavar 1988
"Female Video Art", Consejeria de Cultura, Valencia 1988
"Festival des Arts Electroniques", Rennes 1988
"Vice Versa", Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 1987
"Dix Ans Deja", Institut Francais London 1987
"Rencontre Franco-Chilienne", Santiago de Chile 1987
University of Gothemburg 1987
"Aarhus Festival", Museum of Aarhus 1987
"Angle de Vision", Lyon 1987
"Experimental Art", Yamanashi Prefectural Museum,
Travelling exhibition in Japan 1987
"Correspondence Privee" (Teresa Wennberg-Patrick Saytour)
Artotheque Coprah, Paris 1987
"International Music & Video Competition", Tokyo 1987
"Monitor -87", Frolunda Kulturhus, Gothemburg 1987
"Videokonst", Konstforum, Norrkoping 1987
I Festival Video de Barcelona 1987
I Festival Video de Madrid, Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid 1986
Group exhibition, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo 1986
"Art New Vision", Seibu-Shibuya Tokyo 1986
"Japon Art Vivant", Vielle Charite Marseille 1986
Uppsala Museum of Art 1986
V Festival Video de Montpellier France
(Special Award of the Jury) 1986
"Golden Door", White Colums Gallery, New York 1986
"Kunst mit Eigensinn", Museum des 20 Jahrhunderts Vienna 1985
"Art-Media", University of Salerno 1985
Musee Ziem, Martigues 1985
"Nouvelles Fictions en France", Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris 1985
I International Video Festival" Vienna 1985
"Fin de Saison", Galerie Donguy, Paris 1985
"Nouvelles Tendences en France", Kulturhuset Stockholm 1985
"Stockholm Video Open", Stockholm 1985
"Les Immateriaux", Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 1985
"Video Art Video", Kulturhuset, Stockholm 1985
"Video Sculpture", A.R.C.A., Marseille 1985
"Art-Com", Tel Aviv 1984
"Video", Sodertalje Konsthall, Sodertalje 1984
I Video Festival of Taiwan 1984
"Videografia", Barcelona 1984
"French Video", Tate Gallery London 1984
"Art et Nouvelles Technologies", Faches Thumesnil 1984
Kijkhuis World Vide Video Festival, The Hague 1984
"Art et Technologie", Maison de la Culture, Albi 1984
"Festival de Cinema et Video de Femmes", Montreol 1984
"Fin de Saison", Galerie Donguy, Paris 1984
"Rencontre Franco-Chilienne",Santiago de Chile 1983
"Art Video Francais", the French Institute, New York, Travelling exhibition in the US and in Canada 1983
"Duel Audio-Visuel", performance (with Sebastien Reichmann and Mikael Klatzkow)
Ecole de Beaux Arts de Paris 1983
I Festival Video de Ljubljana Chech Republic 1983
Kijkhuis World Wide Video Festival The Hague 1983
"Cinema du Reel", Centre Georges Pompidou Paris 1983
"Art Video: Retrospectives et perspectives", Charleroi Belgium (Special Award RTBF) 1983
"ELECTRA", Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris 1983
"Fin de Saison", Galerie Donguy Paris 1983
I Festival Video de San Sebastian 1982
V Tokyo Video Festival 1982
I Festival Video de Montbeliard France (Special Award of the Jury) 1982
"Return to Sender", performance, Galerie Donguy Paris
"MEDIA -82" Stockholm 1982
ELAC, Lyon 1982
"Semaine de la Creation Video", Forum des Halles Paris 1982
"Internationell Videokonst", Kulturhuset Stockholm 1982
"La Creation Video", FNAC Paris 1982
"Swedish Video", The Bank Amsterdam 1982
IV Tokyo Video Festival 1981
Chicago Art Institute USA 1981
Sara Hilden Museum, Tampere 1981
Special selection Biennale, Fondation Gulbenkian Lisbon 1981
"Pastiches Paris", Galerie Donguy, Paris 1981
"Ars et Machina", Maison de la Culture, Rennes 1981
"Une Autre Photographie" Maison de la Culture, Creteil 1981
"Konkret Konst", Galerie Engstrom, Stockholm 1981
Moderna Museet, Stockholm 1981
Fylkingen, Stockholm 1980
The Kitchen Center, New York 1980
"French Video Art", travelling exhibition in the
US, Canada and Latin America (2 years) 1980
"French Video Art", American Center, Paris
"Micro", Galerie Futura, Stockholm 1980
Special selection Biennale, Nice 1980
XI Biennale de Paris, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris 1980
"Comparaisons",Grand Palais Paris 1980
"Doux Paris", performance, Gallery Donguy Paris 1979
"L'Art en France", Serpentine Gallery, London 1979
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 1979
Biennale de Sao Paolo 1979
Anthology Film Archives, New York 1979
Video -79", Rome 1979
"Micro", Galerie Futura, Stockholm
"Comparaisons", Grand Palais, Paris 1979
"Pool", sound performance, Rencontres Musicales de la Sainte Baume 1978 (with John Cage)
"Lines & Points", performance, Gallery Horizon Paris 1978
Centre Culturel de Villeparisis 1978
Galerie Paloma, Stockholm 1978
Centre Georges Pompidou/MNAM, Paris 1978
"Branches", concert with John Cage, American Center, Paris
Musee de Luxembourg, Paris 1978
"Comparaisons", Grand Palais, Paris 1978
"Grands et Jeunes d'Aujourd'hui", Grand Palais, Paris 1978
Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Paris 1976
Grands et Jeunes d'Aujourd'hui", Grand Palais, Paris 1976
"Feminie", UNESCO, Paris 1976
"Comparaisons", Grand Palais Paris 1976
Musee de Luxembourg Paris 1976
UNESCO, Paris 1975
Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Grand Palais Paris 1975
Centre Culturel de Villeparisis 1975
Galerie Noire Paris 1975
"Grands et Jeunes d'Aujourd'hui", Grand Palais Paris 1975
American Center, Paris 1975
"Mostra d'Art Realitat", Colegi de Aparejadores, Barcelona 1974
"Adolecencia", Galeria Betica Madrid 1974
Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Grand Palais Paris 1974
"Hommage a Marcel Duchamps", Cadaques 1973
G R A N T S, A W A R D S,
American Center: Sound research & workshop w. John Cage 1978
American Center: Nam June Paik 1978
Rencontres Musicales de la Sainte Baume, France 1978
Konstnarsnamnden/Arts Grants Committee, Sweden 1978
I Festival Video de Montbeliard France: Special Award of the Jury 1982
"Art Video: Retrospectives et perspectives", Charleroi, Belgium:
Special Award R.T.B.F. 1983
OCTET/Ministere de la Culture, France 1984
Film- och Videonamndens Samarbetskommitte, Sweden 1985
V Festival Video de Montpellier France: Special Award of the Jury 1986
Konstnarsnamnden/Arts Grants Committee, Sweden 1986
FIACRE/Ministere de la Culture France 1986
CIMA, School of Architecture Paris France: AiR 1987
Ministere de la Culture/Mission Nouvelles Technologies France 1987
"Scandinavia Today" Tokyo Japan 1987
Aoyama Computer Graphic School Tokyo Japan: AiR 1987
Ministere de la Culture/Mission Nouvelles Technologies France 1989
Ernst Wallin Stipendium France 1989
CIMA, School of Architecture, Paris France: AiR 1989
Ars Electronica, Linz Austria 1989: Honorary Mention Computer Graphics
FIACRE/Ministere de la Culture France 1990
Le Fresnoy France: Artist in residence 1992
Fondation Chateau Beychevelle France: Invited artist for New Technologies/
Video Art 1992-93
Thomson Digital Images, Paris France: AiR 1992
"Nouveaux createurs-Regards d'Ecole: Presentation
of 14 contemporary artists 1992
Vasulka Studio, Santa Fe USA: AiR 1993
Brouillard Precis, Marseille France: AiR 1993
DRAC/PACA France 1993
GAMSAU laboratory, Marseille France: AiR 1993-95
Konstnarsnamnden/Arts Grants Committee Sweden 1993-94
Ecole Superieur de Beaux Arts de Luminy/Marseille France:
"Art and New Technologies" grades 1-4 + post-diploma 1994-96
International Video Festival, Cidade de Vigo Spain: Recommendation of the Jury 1994
Konstnarsnamnden/Arts Grants Committee, Sweden 1996
Konstfack, Royal School of Arts, Crafts & Design, Stockholm:
"Basic Computer Science" 1997
Eva Friis Computer laboratory, KTH, Stockholm Sweden: AiR 1997
Sasakawa Foundation: Travelling grant 1997
Center for Parallel Computers, KTH, Stockholm Sweden: AiR since 1998
Kulturhuvudstadsaret Sweden 1998
Goethe Institute Sweden 1998
Svenska Institutet/Swedish Institute Sweden 1999
Media Technics & Graphic Design, KTH, Stockholm Sweden:
Workshop "Ways of seeing" 1999 - 2001
IASPIS Sweden 2000
IASPIS Sweden 2001
IASPIS Sweden 2002
Royal College of Art KKH, Stockholm Sweden: "Invisibilities",1-year-Project 2005
Konstnarsnamnden/Arts Grants Committee Sweden 2007
Media Lab, Aalborg University, Denmark: AIR 2008-2009
Art sur Tech - Art Project - Arles sur Tech France, since 2009
All images and texts on this site are protected by copyright and may not be
reproduced without permission.
© Teresa Wennberg