"Vanitas" - oil on canvas -1973
Collection of the artist


"Self portrait in New York" - 1974

"Har vi tid att dansa" - Oil on canvas (1974)
Collection Moderna Museet Stockholm.


"Le départ" - oil on canvas - 1974
Private collection



"Philippe"- oil on canvas - 1974

"Tao" - Oil on canvas - 1974
Private collection

"Doux Noeud" - oil on canvas - 1974

"Sans titre" - oil on canvas -1974
Private collection

"The Ultimate Orgasm" - oil on canvas - 1974
Private collection

"Bell Telephone System Earth Station III" - oil on canvas - 1974
Private collection

"Bell Telephone System Earth Station I" - oil on canvas - 1974
Private collection

"Bell Telephone System Earth Station V" - oil on canvas - 1974
Private collection

"The guiding hand" - oil on canvas - 1975

"Forgetting the Tonal" - oil on canvas - 1976
Private collection

"Cent balles" - oil on paper - marouflé - 1976

"Europa" - oil on canvas - 1976

"The eternal waiting"- oil on canvas - 1976
Private collection

"Solitude" - oil on canvas - 1976

From the series "Lines and Points" - pencil on paper - 1978
Collection Fundacion Gulbenkian

From the series "Lines and Points" - pencil on paper - 1978

From the series "Lines and Points" - pencil on paper - 1978

From the series "Lines and Points" - pencil on paper - 1978

From the series "Lines and Points" - oil on canvas - 1978

From the series "Lines and Points" - oil/mixed media on canvas - 1978
Private collection



From the series "Iron Curtain" - oil/mixed media on canvas - 1978

From the series "Iron Curtain" - oil/mixed media on canvas- 1978

From the series "Iron Curtain" - oil/mixed media on canvas- 1978

From the series "Meta-"- oil/mixed media on canvas - 1979

From the series "Meta-" - oil/mixed media on canvas - 1979
Private collection


From the series "Meta-" - oil/mixed media on canvas - 1979


From the series "Amsterdam suite"
"Lonely Clone" - mixed media on paper - 1982
Private collection


From the series "Amsterdam suite"
"Clone ascending a straircase - même"
Oil/mixed media on canvas -1982
Private collection


From the series "Amsterdam suite"
"Amsterdam lady" - Oil/mixed media on canvas - 1982


From the series "Amsterdam suite"
"Claudine in the bar" - Oil on canvas - 1983
Private collection


From the series "Amsterdam suite"
"Kneeling clone - m'aime" - Oil on canvas - 1983


"Petit poisson" - Oil on canvas - 1984
Collection of the artist


"First encounter I" - mixed media on paper - 1984


"First encounter II" - mixed media on paper - 1984


"L'artiste et son modèle" - mixed media on paper - 1984
Private collection


Screen - OIl on canvas - 1989


Screen - Oil on canvas - 1989


Screen - Oil on canvas - 1989
Private collection


Screens - Paravent, Oil on canvas 1990
Private collection


Screens - Paravent, Oil on canvas - 199

"Yume" - Oil/mixed media on canvas - 2005
Private collection


"Vanitas - For Jean" - Oil on canvas - 2005
Collection Svenska klubben Paris


"Vanitas x" - Oil on canvas - 2005




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